Legend of the KamiLah
J. M. Vrooman
7 book series where elemental magic meets modern day
The Elementas Test
Take the Elementas test and if your soul is worthy, an Elemental Spirit will bless you
Click the button below to test your soul
Also you don't need to be 16 to try :) Just have your parents permission.
Are you Worthy?
Legend of the KamiLah
Blessed or Cursed
Book One
By: J.M. Vrooman
The Egyptian god Amun created the five elemental spirits from love. One elemental spirit will bless a worthy soul on their sixteenth birthday with elemental magic. Amun gained an immense amount of power from his worshipers. This made Seth, (the wicked god of the sky) jealous.
From Seth's jealousy, he created five elemental demons and an evil spirit named Daeva to capture the souls of earth.
In order to bring balance back to the universe, Amun created the perfect soul. One who is Compassionate, Honorable, Ambitious, Courageous, and Strong. He gave the name, 'KamiLah' to this perfect soul. After the KamiLah defeated Seth's demons and evil spirit; she locked them away making their existence turn into a legend.
Seth vowed one day he would return to capture all souls. the Kamilah will reincarnate and always be there to defend the world from Seth's wickedness.
Today is Jade Pamal’s sixteenth birthday. Jade is scheduled to take her elementas test today to see whether or not she will be blessed by one of the five elemental spirits. If she is blessed, then she will be attending Fennec School for Elementals as her parents did before her. If no elemental spirit chooses her, then she will continue to live an extraordinary life as a natural. Little does she know that her destiny has already been chosen for her.
Legend of the KamiLah
Book Two
By: J.M. Vrooman
Will the elemental demons and the evil spirit Daeva be released? If that were to happen, chaos would be unleashed upon a fragile world again. Jade Pamal has to continue her journey as the KamiLah. Discovering new friendships along with old ones might be what she needs. When cherished souls are ripped away, can Jade find her courage and face new foes?
Fire burns so brightly and is dangerous if you get too close to the flame. In order to rise, first, you must burn, or so the saying goes at Kingston School for Ugnis Souls. Jade finds herself in an unfamiliar place with new challenges.
Will Jade survive or succumb to social pressure? By looking into her past life, maybe she will discover how to live in the present. As the world changes around her, the KamiLah must find her courage, or fail
Want to know more about
J.M. Vrooman
J.M. Vrooman was born in Homestead, Florida, and grew up in the metropolis that is Miami. She loves Horror, Mystery, Action, Adventure, Space & Time, and Romance. As a writer, she eloquently entwines all of her favorite things into her stories.
Legend of the KamiLah is J.M. Vrooman’s first series. She also blogs, ghostwrites, edits, and reviews other authors' works. She is currently attending the Academy of Art to become a visual development artist.
Orignial Charaters of Legend of the KamiLah
These are drawings that J.M. Vrooman has done and is happy to share with everyone
Jade Pamal
Dvasia, Vanduo, Vejas, Ugnis, Zeme
Jade is very smart, but she likes to live life on the edge and take risks. She has long blonde wavy hair and greenish blue eyes. Although ash has an athletic build, she isn't the best at sports. Her best friend Alexia always beats her. She has a hard time with rejection and always tries to please everyone. Jade is always ready to help but people have taken advantage of her kindness in the past and now has trouble trusting new people.
Kai Matheson
Dvasia Soul
Kai is tall and fit. He is muscular yet slender. He has beautiful crystal blue eyes that resemble the summer sky. He has jet black, shoulder length hair with a little curl. Kai is roguishly handsome. At nineteen he was promoted to the rank of captain of the elite guardsman for the Pamal family. He has promised to keep Jade safe no matter what. He has many secrets and doesn't want to let anyone get close to him.
Alexia LaRose
Zeme Soul
Alexia LaRose is smart, beautiful, & athletic. Although she excels at all sports she tries,she is incredibly clumsy when it comes to doing normal activities like walking down stairs. She has always been there for Jade and has vowed to always be friends with her no matter what. She is the most genuine person and is always looking out for her friends wellbeing.
Jack Crandowa
Vejas Soul
Jack is tall and very well dressed. His family is well connected politically and holds a lot of influence in the elemental world. He is not afraid of a challenge and won't back down from a fight. Jack has a temper and you wouldn't want to get on his bad side. His dark brown hair and green eyes swoon all those who gaze upon him. Although he was mean to Jade when they first met he is determined to make her his wife.
Andrew Alistair
Ugnis Soul
Andrew has long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He has a dreamy Australian accent. Andrew is a famous Australian model and actor. He plays the hero and heartthrob in all of Jade’s and Alexia’s favorite movies. He always knew Jade was the one he wanted to marry. As a potential suitor for Jade, this Ugnis soul wont stop till he gets everything her desires.
Elizabeth Zurc
Vanduo Soul
Elizabeth is a beautiful Latina with long curly black hair and piercing Brown eyes.
Ugnis elemental tattoo
Blessed are the Courageous
Those who are blessed by the elemental spirit Ugnis are courageous souls.
Courage is not having the strength to go on. It is going on when you do not have the strength.This is the elemental tattoo for those who were blessed by the elemental spirit Ugnis.
The top row is the elemental symbol for Ugnis.
Those blessed by Ugnis can control element fire.
Vejas elemental tattoo
Blessed are the Honorable
Those who are blessed by the elemental spirit Vejas are honorable souls.
It is better to fail with honor than succeed by fraud.This is the elemental tattoo for those who were blessed by the elemental spirit Vejas
The top row is the elemental symbol for Vejas.
Those blessed by Vejas can control the element wind.
Zeme elemental tattoo
Blessed are the strong
Those who are blessed by the elemental spirit Zeme are strong souls.
You are a tower of strength for those who are weak.This is the elemental tattoo for those who were blessed by the elemental spirit Zeme.
The top row is the elemental symbol for Zeme.
Those blessed by Zeme can control the element earth.
Vanduo elemental tattoo
Blessed are the Ambitious
Those who are blessed by the elemental spirit Vanduo are ambitious souls.
Never turn down the sound of your ambition if someone is uncomfortable with the volume.This is the elemental tattoo for those who were blessed by the elemental spirit Vanduo
The top row is the elemental symbol for Vanduo.
Those blessed by Vanduo can control the element of water.
Dvasia elemental tattoo
Blessed are the Compassionate
Those who are blessed by the elemental spirit Dvasia are compassionate souls.
A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.This is the elemental tattoo for those who were blessed by the elemental spirit Dvasia
KamiLah elemental tattoo
This is the KamiLah tattoo. The top row represents the elemental symbols (from left to right) Vejas (wind) Dvasia (spirit) Zeme (earth) Ugnis (fire) Vanduo (water).
The KamiLah can use all five elements.
The second row represents the completion of protége training which takes two years to complete
The third row represents the completion of advanced training which also take two years to complete
The fourth row represents the completion of master training which take four years to complete and must be paid for by the individual although there are exceptions.
Velnias elemental demon tattoo
Cursed are the Souls with an inhumane nature
Beware of this symbol
If a soul has this symbol on their chest that means they have been possessed by the elemental demon Velnias. This demon is of spirit and is called Velnias. Sadly, there are many souls who are Inhumane and are easily possessed by the spirit demon. Seth’s merciless nature fuels this elemental demons’ power.
Gaisro elemental demon tattoo
Cursed are the Souls with Hate and Anger
Beware of this symbol
If a soul has this symbol on their chest that means they have been possessed by the elemental demon Gaisro. This demon is of fire and is called Gaisro.
The power for this elemental demon is fueled by Seth’s hatred. Those who have Anger in their souls can be possessed by the fire demon.
Audra elemental demon tattoo
Cursed are the Souls who are dishonorable towards others
Beware of this symbol
IIf a soul has this symbol on their chest that means they have been possessed by the elemental demon. This demon is of wind and is called Audra.
This elemental demon swiftly possesses anyone who has a Dishonorable soul which stems from Seth’s unethical nature.
Banga elemental demon tattoo
Cursed are the Souls those who deceive and trample others goals
Beware of this symbol
If a soul has this symbol on their chest that means they have been possessed by the elemental demon Banga. This demon is of water and is called Banga.
Seth’s deceptive and indifference towards the humans makes the water demon more powerful and she can easily corrupt those who have a Apathetic soul.
Purvas elemental demon tattoo
Cursed are the Souls who are weak
Beware of this symbol
If a soul has this symbol on their chest that means they have been possessed by the elemental demon Purvas. This demon is of earth and is called Purvas.
Seth’s feebleness provides the power that the earth demon needs to possess those who have Frailty in their souls.
House of Vejas
Elemental Mascot
The Mighty and Honorable Eagle
House of Ugnis
Elemental Mascot
The Majestic and Courageous Phoenix
House of Vanduo
Elemental Mascot
The Intelligent and ambitious Kraken
House of Zeme
Elemental Mascot
The Noble and Strong Stag
KamiLah Mascot
Elemental Mascot
The Dragon is Compassionate, Courageous, Honorable, Strong, and Ambitious. Each part of the dragon represents one part of the elements. Together they work to build a perfect creature much like the KamiLah for Amun created her to be perfect.
Wind Dragons Wings, Dragon Fire Breath, Earth Dragon Body, Spirit Dragon Heart, and Water Dragon Tail.
Amun Rah god of the sun
Creator of the five Elemental spirits
From Amuns love he created the five elemental spirits to bless only worthy souls with Elemental Magic.
Creator of the KamiLah
Seth the wicked god of the sky
Creator of the five Elemental demons
Created the five elemental demons and the evil spirit Daeva from jealousy.
You can meet J. M. Vrooman at these events
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Don't hesitate to get in touch with J.M. Vroman via email @
if you are interested in her attending an event
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Wall of Thanks
Thanks to all who loved, supported and hated me, cause without you I would not be me
You were Awesome and by my side, my ride or die from Day One
Kyle V // Luna V // Carol D @ CAVU Designs // Katherine K // Allie L // Tiffany S // Katerina S // Tiffany M // Faith // Sky // Ninja Yin // Lionel D // Kat M // Prisella A // Christine R // Elizabeth C //
jvrooman@live.com ©J.M. Vrooman 2014